If your going to limit it, do it by match not by 24 hour periods. i can understand that logic but limiting it so low is pathetic. Originally posted by Pyr0:They don't want you reporting every single player like they do in csgo just cause your getting owned. A simple google search will pull up HUNDREDS or cheats for this game that are currently undetected but you devs claim only a "few" i guess the definition of "few" is subjective. This is rediculus of how saturated this game is with cheats, worst of all you have a LIMIT on how many times you can report people! seriously!? You devs had the bright idea of putting a daily limit on reports!? Well i guess your either stupid or just dont care of people are exploiting your game. Straffing and all head shots with semi auto across the maps, etc. People prefiring around the corners and all head shots, the famous reticle circle dance to make it look like they have recoil but they dont and all center mass or head shots. I have sad in one spot in bushes were will never see me, hell i cant even see out and someone snipes me from across the map. Every match i have gone into i have witnessed with the kill cam many hacks. You devs might want to revist your so called grand and perfect anti cheat system.

I have seen the Devs boast about how great their anti cheat system is well i call complete and total BS on that.